Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Where's the end to this madness?

Another day, and another attack on an Indian student in Melbourne which eventually led to his death, stares us in the face. Both the Australian government and the Australian Federal Police are in incessant denial that these attacks are NOT racially provoked. I for one believe, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then it MUST indeed be a duck. The surrealism really beggars belief! Just how many innocent people of Indian origin must be ruthlessly attacked or even succumb to their injuries before the government perks it's ears up and begins to listen? My opinion on this is the families of each of the victims that were subjected to these attacks, must be refunded their entire course-fees and encouraged to leave Australia with immediate effect. However, that's not about to happen, so let me just leave it to this post.

I'm truly appalled at the lackadaisical attitude adopted by the Australian government in this respect. I do not believe that the perpetrators will be caught soon enough. Even if they are, what's the point? The policy of capital punishment is non-existent in Australia, furthermore even if the guilty party or parties were punished; they'd be let out within a fraction of the time for good behaviour or by quoting the "Fair-go" policy. Truly disgusting might I say. At this moment, I shall spare a few minutes to keep the distressed families in my thoughts and prayers. May the good lord provide them solace and even better, closure by way of these mindless punks indulging in these cowardly acts the harshest of punishments.

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